Sterling Silver:
Tarnishing is part of the natural life cycle of all Sterling Silver jewelry. But the beauty of this material is that it can always be refreshed to it's former shine, so tarnishing is no cause for concern. The amount of time it takes a piece to tarnish will vary based on environmental factors. To extend that time, store silver away from moisture, heat, sunlight, and circulating air. In other words, keep thoroughly dry pieces inside a jewelry pouch, sealed in a ziplock bag, and in a drawer or box away from light. This will help the shine last as long as possible. When the piece does accumulate tarnish, polishing it back to a shine is easy to achieve with the following steps.
Pour a small amount of Tarn-X Tarnish Remover into a disposable cup. If the piece is contrast oxidized or if it contains pearls, carefully apply Tarn-X with a q-tip or cotton ball to the bright silver portions only*. Dip the q-tip or cotton ball into the cup and gently squeeze or press out any excess so that it is not dripping. Apply this to the silver areas in need of brightening. If the tarnish is extreme or stubborn, rub the area repeatedly.
Let it sit for a maximum of two minutes, usually less. Finally, rinse with clean water. Pat piece dry.
If the piece shows signs of excessive wear, take a tiny dab of Mother's Mag Polish on the end of a q-tip. Gently dab the Mother's on to the outward facing surfaces of the piece - just on the bright silver areas, not on any pearls or stones or oxidized recesses. Rub the piece against a buffing pad. This last action will leave black streaks on the buffing pad. The polishing process will be complete when it becomes increasingly difficult to produce a black streak on the pad. (Any no to low textured cloth, shop towel, or chamois may be substituted for a buffing pad.) For the longest lasting polish, take the final step of scrubbing the piece with a soft toothbrush, diluted dish soap, and warm water. This will dissolve any remaining residue from the polishing compound and will prevent a white film from later forming on the piece.
You don't have to wait for a piece to become fully tarnished to polish it. So, if one tarnished piece is bothering you, you can knock out all of your silver jewelry polishing in one sitting - the shine life will be the same.
Sterling Silver Chains:
There is always a temptation try to speed up the polishing process by pulling a tarnished chain through the buffing pad. Chains are delicate things and are susceptible to breakage under excessive force. Take care to be gentle to keep your chain intact. If that doesn't work out, feel free to contact us about purchasing a replacement chain for your item.
A Note About Ultrasonic Cleaning:
Ultrasonics are wonderful tools for removing makeup, lotions, and other buildup on jewelry. But not all pieces are suitable for this method of cleaning. Read below to see if ultrasonic cleaning is appropriate for your item.
*Ultrasonic cleaners should always be used with the appropriate accessories. Jewelry should never be in direct contact with the main tank or etching and marring may occur.